Membership is open to all and existing members include serving and retired Royal Marines, family and military historians, militaria collectors, cadets and many friends of the Corps. We all have in common a desire to see the heritage and history of the Royal Marines protected and shared. Membership is open to anyone with a genuine interest in Corps history, at present there are approximately 340 members. The Society is governed by a voluntary council with six members elected from the membership, an appointed Honorary Editor, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary as well as a representative of the Royal Marines Museum and the Commandant General Royal Marines.
The Society’s Annual Dinner is usually held in Portsmouth, with some 60 members and their guests enjoying an excellent dinner. The Annual General Meeting which is also usually held in Portsmouth serves as a social occasion with a lunch and a talk by a guest speaker.
Over the years the Society has published 50 Special Publications covering a wide variety of subjects with several more in the pipeline all written by members of the Society.
You can apply to join the RMHS by contacting the Honorary Membership Secretary at: who will send you the necessary application forms, or you can fill in the form below.
Annually members receive two issues of the Society’s illustrated journal, The Sheet Anchor, which contains articles and news of interest on Royal Marines history.
Members also receive each copy of the Society’s Special Publication on a particular detailed and well researched topic. Three newsletters are distributed each year. Great value at £28 per annum for UK residents and £40 for overseas members.